How to Support Holy Family Senior Living
Help us care for your loved one and our community.
A ministry of the Diocese of Allentown, Holy Family Senior Living is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, meeting the diverse needs
of over 1,000 seniors we serve every year with dignity and compassion. Your tax-deductible donation enables us to continue
the critical and necessary work we do – showing our love of God by lovingly caring for our residents.
Thank you for partnering with us and keeping Holy Family Senior Living and our residents
in your heart and mind. Your gift contributes directly to our residents’ quality of life, helping
to relieve financial burdens and build a warm, welcoming community that cares like family.
A one-time, annual, or sustaining gift helps provide:
- Skilled nursing and the highest quality medical and rehabilitation care
- Subsidized living expenses for residents in financial need
- Personal care services that allow residents to enjoy the comforts of home while maintaining their independence
- Engaging life enrichment, social, and entertainment activities
- Facilities improvements to communal and private spaces
- Property improvements to maintain a beautiful outdoor living environment
- Transportation to carry residents to appointments and community activities
- Respite care that provides short-term relief for primary caregivers (“care for the caregivers”) and excellent services for their loved ones
How to Give
Every charitable gift to Holy Family Senior Living benefits our residents and the community members we serve. Donations can be made on a one-time, sustaining, or legacy basis, and will be used where the need is greatest or for a program, service, or initiative of your choosing. Donate online below or consider the following opportunities to make a difference in our seniors’ lives. Please call us at 610-865-5595, ext. 412 if you would like to discuss your charitable giving priorities.
Donate by Check
Checks should be made payable to “Holy Family Senior Living” and sent to:
Holy Family Senior Living
Attn: Financial Services
1200 Spring Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Donate by Credit Card
Donate easily online or call 610-865-5595, ext. 412 to make a gift online below.
Tribute Gifts in Honor or Memory of a Loved One
Any gift can be made in honor or memory of a family member or friend. Please specify the name of the person you wish to honor, how you would like your gift allocated, and the name and address of the honoree’s next of kin. Holy Family Senior Living will notify your honoree’s loved ones to share the news of your gift.
Sustaining Gift or Multi-Year Pledge
If you would like to make a recurring donation or make your gift payable over several years, or if you would like to contribute to a multi-year project or campaign, please call Financial Services at 610-865-5595, ext. 412 to discuss your pledge.
Matching Gift
A matching gift is an excellent way to increase your support with additional funds donated by your employer. Contact your employer’s human resources department to inquire about their corporate matching program.
Gifts of Securities (Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds)
If you own stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that have appreciated, consider making a gift with these securities. Such gifts also provide tax benefits to the owner. Please call Financial Services at 610-865-5595, ext. 412 for more information about the transfer process.
Planned Gift
Planned gifts are a vital, generous means of sustaining Holy Family Senior Living’s residents and mission into the future. There are a number of options for creating a lasting estate gift, including bequests, charitable gift annuities and remainder trusts, or gifts of life insurance. Please reach out for a confidential conversation about your goals and legacy.
Endowment Gift
For information on giving a legacy gift to our endowment fund, please click here.